Different Types of Eczema and Their Causes
Eczema is defined as a skin disease or condition that causes certain areas of the skin to become inflamed, dry and itchy. It can cause skin infections that must be treated with antibiotics in extreme cases. It can be found all over the body but it mostly affects the legs, arms and the area behind the knees. Currently, over twenty percent of children in the United States have some form of eczema but it can affect people of all ages. Currently, there is no cure for eczema. But doctors are able to provide prescriptions to help with the symptoms once they determine what type of eczema their patient has.
Atopic dermatitis is one of the most common types of eczema. It affects most children by the time they are age 1 and some adults as well. It is known to run in families with a past history of asthma and hay fever so it is hereditary. Due to a reaction to a food such as eggs or the environment such as pollen, the skin flares up. Your doctor may do an allergy test as part of the treatment in order to discover what trigger the reaction. Based on the results from the allergy test, you will be able to remove the cause of the reaction from your diet or environment if possible. A topical corticosteroid cream may be prescribed by your doctor to reduce the redness and itching.
Contact dermatitis is the second most common types of eczema. This type of eczema occurs when the skin comes in contact with an allergen or irritant, which causes a rash to develop on the skin. By washing or removing the cause of the reaction from the skin, the rash will began to clear up. But it can take up to several weeks for the skin to heal. You can use an over the counter corticosteroid cream or oral antihistamine such as Benadyal to relieve any itching.
Seborrheic dermatitis is a type of eczema that affects the scalp and face. People with this type of eczema have oily and scaly patches of skin on the face and scalp. It is known as cradle cap for infants and dandruff for adults. When a person is stressed or have oily skin conditions, they make have a reaction. However, there is usually no itching. Doctors will prescribe a salicylic acid or sulfur based shampoo to treat the scalp. For other areas of the body, an ointment that contains vitamin B6 used to treat this condition.
By knowing more about the different types of eczema, you will be able find a better way to treat it. There may not be a cure but you can live eczema free with the right treatment and prevention tips.